A World Away

ISBN: 9780746081129 Categorie: Product ID: 14602


A World Away

  • A vivid historical tale inspired by The Lost Colony – 100 English men, women and children who travelled to the New World in 1587 and who were never heard of again.
  • A violent and passionate test of endurance, survival and love, masterfully captured by the poetic hand of Pauline Francis, this is a must-read for all fans of Raven Queen.
  • Internet links to recommended websites about the life and times of the characters.

Plymouth 1586.

I am afraid.

These pale-skinned men have killed my mother and betrayed my people. Now they have brought me to a place they call England where they want to display me in front of their ‘Virgin Queen’.

My name is Nadie, but some call me ‘savage’. I find it hard to endure their taunts, stares and insults. I do not want to live in this grey, inhospitable land.

And yet there is one boy, Tom, whose blacksmith’s dark skin matches my own. When he looks at me the fire of love burns in my heart. I feel I could find happiness with Tom – but can his love for me survive in my world, with my people?

“A must-read for all fans of Francis’ highly acclaimed novel, Raven Queen”
Betty Bookmark – Five Star Review

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